The lack of available affordable housing has been a growing concern in many urban areas around the world. In response, creative solutions are being explored, such as repurposing vacant commercial properties into new forms of housing.

One approach is adaptive reuse, where existing commercial buildings are converted into residential spaces. This can involve renovating the building to meet residential building codes, creating smaller living units within the space, and adding amenities like shared kitchens or common areas.

Micro housing is another solution where small, self-contained living units are built within existing structures. These can be as small as 100 square feet and include a kitchenette, bathroom, and sleeping area. Micro housing is often used in urban areas with high housing costs to provide affordable housing options for low-income residents.

Co-living spaces are shared living arrangements where residents have their own private bedroom but share communal spaces like kitchens and living rooms. These spaces are often designed to foster a sense of community among residents and can be a more affordable alternative to traditional apartments.

Community land trusts are another solution, where nonprofit organizations purchase land and hold it in trust for the benefit of the community. The land can then be used to build affordable housing or other community resources.

Finally, workforce housing is a type of housing that is specifically designed for low- to moderate-income workers. This can include people working in industries like healthcare, education, or hospitality. Workforce housing is often subsidized by employers or government programs to make it more affordable for workers.

Overall, repurposing existing commercial properties for new forms of housing is a creative solution to the affordable housing crisis. By finding new ways to use existing properties, we can create more affordable housing options for people in need.